
Having over two decades of experience in both the public and private sector and more than 10 years experience in providing technical assistance and support to public health programmes in Papua New Guinea.

I am very experienced in providing leadership and coordinating areas of development in a tuberculosis laboratory capacity building.

I was previously a member of the World Health Organization Western Pacific Office – Regional Green Light Committee, providing guidance on the Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis.

Since 2009, I have provided support to Papua New Guinea in designing and implementing evidence-based interventions, to assess the burden of disease and monitoring progress towards reducing death and disability caused by tuberculosis, achieving this by focusing on strengthening laboratory capacity to detect infection and monitor response to treatment.

 These interventions were delivered in ways that were technically sound and appropriate for the diverse culture and society, achieving sustainable impact through strengthened country capacity and effective inter-country collaboration. 

I appreciate first-hand the difficulties in providing assistance to developing countries, cultural differences, language barriers, geographical difficulties and implementation challenges.

It is by knowing and being aware of the obstacles that exist and working together with local and international partners, that we were instrumental in achieving positive outcomes for the communities of Papua New Guinea.

K. Johnson

Managing Director/Laboratory Specialist